What to Do When Caught In The Undertow


Crashing_Ocean_Waves_nature_freecomputerdesktopwallpaper_1024Life is a lot like surfing. Sometimes you are in the flow of the most magnificent wave. Sometimes you miss that wave and other times you take a total beating. But one thing is for certain- When you fall down you have to get up. Recently I found myself caught off guard, and ended up taking a bit of a fall. Only this time while I was getting up, I was hit again and I fell down...Again...and instead of getting up, I got caught in the undertow.Being under violent crazy water not knowing when you are going to pop up for air or even 'if' you will be able to catch your breath is an uncomfortable place to be. It is easy to go into fear in that crazy storm. It can be difficult but it is So Important To Stay Present when that happens and just simply focus on getting head above water.I swam hard, I fought the current.Thankfully I did pop up. I got a breath. Then as things settled I got a few more breaths and eventually I ended up washed up on shore. A bit surprised, relieved, and totally exhausted.I would never have fallen if I had not decided to surf in the first place.Do I regret surfing?Not at all.Am I going to run out there to hop on a big wave right away?Not so much.I think I might take a couple of days in the kiddie pool with a lemonade and recover first.Am I talking about surfing?Yes and no.Am I talking about life?You bet I am.As a Holistic practitioner, I have a lot of tools at my disposal for health wellness and balance. Does that make my life immune to challenges? Not at all. In fact I often joke that my life challenges have gotten larger in comparison to my available tools-just to keep things fair and balanced in the universe. : )Even the most present, aware and balanced surfer is going to fall. You cannot live your life afraid of the fall.If you are going to ride those big waves, then you need to train hard and prepare for them so that if you fall while surfing them, you can survive it.You also need to go into surfing them with no fear. Sure you may fall, you may even get hurt-but if you let the 'what ifs' and fears hold you back, that is not living.So because I am a surfer and because I have 'been there'(on the bad side of a wave) a few times over the years and I am still 'here', this is my best advice for what to do when you fall off your wave, and how to get back up and surfing again. : )bigwave1. Take Action- Try at first to help yourself. Try to swim to get up for air. If you cannot, or the water is too rough then....2. Just Wait. Continue to hold your breath and allow the water to move you up and out or to shore. Baby steps or one step at a time. Only look at the things directly in front of you that need immediate attention and let everything else fall away.3. Surrender. Know that this is Bigger Than You. If your effort alone would change this you would have had results from step #1. If you are still being tossed around, recognize that you do not control these larger elements. Things are rearranging in your life. Allow them to.Chaos Always precedes Large change. The bigger the chaos, the large the change.4. Be The Observer. Watch the scene with calm detachment as though it was a movie you were watching-instead of feeling yourself in the scene. By taking that step back to observer perspective, you will see valuable and helpful things you may have missed while 'in it'.5. Ask For Help. This may mean asking someone for advice, getting more information, or researching something more. It could be that you need actual physical help, or healing. This also includes asking spirit for help and prayer.6. Be Open To Receive the help you asked for. Take that advice. Listen. Allow yourself to receive that love and healing you asked for. Embrace those answered prayers.7. Build yourself up again. Recover. Be kind and gentle. Learn from your 'mistakes' and then get back out there and get back on your wave. After all, you are a surfer!I was a bit later than I wanted getting this post up and out there. Thankfully things have settled for me and I'm back on my board but still felt it was important to share this because I know I am not the only 'life surfer' out there, and I definately know I am not the only one who has fallen and had to get up again. This is for all of the courageous and fearless surfers trying to live their dreams and not giving up, not even when they fall or get knocked down every so often.As Dory in finding Nemo sings..."just keep  on swimming, swimming, swimming..."Lots of Love,Kerri

Getting Creative & 'Frankening' with My Inner 'Girly' Girl

images-2This post is a total departure from my usual but was fun, so I wanted to share.I love to learn something new every year. Or more often than that. Alright to be totally honest I love to learn new things basically whenever I can.My most recent 'experiment' was making nailpolish.Now the ultra strange thing about this is I rarely wear nailpolish. In fact this past year has been the only time I have ever gone for a manicure pedicure outside of my wedding day. I went through a nailpolish phase in high school and that was it. Today I prefer my nails to be free of any polish and to be able to 'breathe'. But there was just something super exciting to me about making my own that I had to try it!My boys were truly unimpressed. My 14 year old announced he would not tolerate me making lipstick, so if I had any ideas for that in the future (which I did! I think he was reading my mind!) to forget about it. When I asked him why he was so 'against' my fun he replied that I was making our house too 'girly'.I have 3 boys. I have and always will be outnumbered. I have a girl dog but seeing as she loves to roll in mud and swamp, that does not count. My house smells like goats. I'm on my own here and am not much of a girly-girl. I use my blow drier to heat seal shrink wrap on my lip balm tubes and usually dry my hair via the vents in my car on the way to work. I can get my makeup on and out the door in 10 minutes. Because confession is good for the soul ~ I usually sleep on wet hair to avoid the whole drier vent blow dry conundrum. I have tried to take more time to look 'better' but honestly I'd rather be doing other things. I blowdry my hair when I'm going to a wedding. That's it. Most of my friends are paired up now, so that essentially means bad hair for me for a while. O.k. I'm getting off topic and sharing way too much.Back to nail polish!nailpolish4To ease into the new-ness of this I started by trying Frankening.What the heck is Frankening? Believe me, I asked the same thing, and this is what I found out.'Frankening' is the art of taking existing nailpolish and in essence mixing the colours to create a brand new 'one of a kind' colour.As you know, nail polish comes in a wide array of colours. I don't know about all of you but in the past I have been deeply disappointed when the shade in the bottle does not create that exact shade on my nails. Or it does and it just does not go with my skin tone. So I have a bunch of nailpolish rejects-that I never wear-but (thankfully) never threw out either. Frankening came about by a few young girls mainly wanting to be different and not wear the same shade as their friends. When choosing polishes to mix, cheaper is better. If your polish is too thick (likely from being too old) put a couple of drops of nail polish remover in the bottle and shake it up to thin it out a bit.rainbowglitterpilesIndie Polish is the art of making your own nail polish from scratch. Involving a base and micas, colorants glitters etc.Yesterday I did both.I had ordered supplies a few weeks ago to make 'new' nail polishes and my plan was (if all went well), I would eventually add a line of nailpolish to Soap Planet.Everything went well. It went really well. But I realized in my 'mad scientist' glory, my joy comes in experimentation, in creating unique 'one-of-a-kind' blends. When purchasing a product, most people want the option to re-order what they love at a later date. I have no trouble doing that with my soap products but I realized I would not enjoy doing that with the nail polish...not the coloured polish anyways.I may make up clear top coat glitter and shape embeds to sell but as for the rest of it, I am going to be making up kits to sell so people can create their own polish. I already have all of the supplies! I will also be offering a workshop in the future where you can learn to Franken with your existing polishes as well as learn how to create brand new ones. If you are interested in that leave a note in the comments section. I hope to do this at the centre in the new space and possible beforehand. It can get messy though, and we are working with chemicals to a degree, so depending on demand I may just teach it out of my house.newpolish1purplenewHere is a polish I made yesterday. Blue base and glitter topping. My photos are not the best(I used my phone) The wonderful thing about the glitter toppings are they look amazing on any base coat. This glitter topping has blue, silver, and a bit of black glitter.   

Sometimes You Have To Fight

2981002_sSometimes when you have exhausted all other avenues you just have to fight.I don't believe in fighting, or conflict. I'm a healer. I believe there is always a compassionate, gentle, loving solution, and I try to live my life that way. I say 'try' because sometimes that can be difficult when not everyone we encounter has the same intent. And I am human. I make mistakes.Still at the end of the day my tendency is to turn the other cheek. I mean after all if you need to hit the other cheek after you hit the first one, my thought is have at it.I'm not going to judge you for hurting me. Maybe when you are done hurting people,  then we can get down to doing to doing the work of healing instead.People who hurt other people have the most fear. They need the most love and compassion. It is Easy to love a loving person. It is not as easy to love a mean or hurtful person.So overall I have a tendency to be more of a door mat than a warrior.That is unless:1. You mess with my kids-then God help you-you will get my full-on Momma bear, and she is Fierce.or 2. Something is so obviously unfair and unjust that it NEEDS to be addressed.My recent experience fell under category 2, and here is my story-and lessons learned-and there were a lot of lessons learned.I ended up in a situation where I was victimized financially. Instead of resolution, the large corporation hid behind their policy to protect the person who had taken my money and given nothing in return. I went through their legal process, time consuming involving numerous emails, phone calls, and hours on hold. Hours.At the end of the day, the money was not the reason I would not let this go. The money was not worth the time and energy it took to resolve this. What made me stick with this situation was that is was Wrong. It was wrong and the other person knew it. And maybe they do this all the time, I don't know, I hope not. But in this case it would not go away. I needed to stand up and speak out on this.I had to stand up and speak out a lot. It took the big company a long time to realize I was not going to go away. That this was about principle, nothing else. And as much as I wished I could have cut my losses and go away my soul was crying out for fairness and justice.So I had to 'fight'. I had to hold my ground and not give up. Not even after hearing 'NO' a million times. I had to take it up several levels within this organization to get the situation even looked at properly.Today it was resolved. Was it worth the time and effort. Yes. Was it for the money. No. But I am sure glad that was returned to me.What I gained in this experience was my self respect. I made a mistake. I forgave myself and the other person. But I needed to take action. I tried to do it the 'right' way, the 'nice' way, the 'understanding' way but was not being heard. So I needed to get louder.Now getting louder does not mean you are heard any better in fact most people 'turn off' a loud voice. But I had to get loud in that I had to channel my inner warrior and say 'NO' This is not right. It's not o.k. and it needs to be fixed.There are many times in our life where we need to make the choice to back down or stand up and fight. Sometimes it makes sense to back down. As a healer and spiritual person I would often sway to the backing down side more than the fighting-always asking myself what is best for the greater good, for the good of the group, putting myself last. I know. I know. But hey I'm a Mom. Try as we might...it's what we 'do'.It is because of my tendency to do that that I was victimized in the first place. I'm not talking about trust. I will continue to trust people and their intrinsic good nature. I'm talking about that I was put in a situation for someone to take advantage of me. I was 'presenting' as a victim.I had to make a choice. A choice involving 2 letters, and a paradigm shift. I had to change the IM to an OR. From VictIM to VictOR. And to make that 2 letter change I was required to put on my boxing gloves and take a stand. And I did. And I won. And it feels good.What I learned in all of this- and this surprised me a bit-(because I always thought it was the other way around)Sometimes spirit wants us to fight.Sometimes we need to stand up for ourselves. It is not about hurting someone else. It is about fighting for the voice to speak your truth, even when you feel unheard, even when your voice feels small. You can make a change. Yes you can!This was one small insignificant issue in my life. The world is full of injustices larger and way more important than this. Sometimes we do not see them or look the other way and that is o.k. we all have our own battles to fight and they will come to us. I don't believe in going through life fighting anything. I believe in the philosophy of Abraham via Esther Hicks in that whatever we reject or fight will expand in our lives and will continually be in our face to resolve.But if it is in our face-then RESOLVE IT. Face it head on and make a choice, then change will follow.Shadow-Waiting-for-Vibrant-Jung-ThingA big thanks to Kim who invited me to her house on Sunday to watch a movie The Shadow Effect by Debbie Ford. Not the fun 'girls night in' movie I was expecting, but was perfect. It is not an easy movie, but a movie worth watching to get you to look at, acknowledge and embrace those parts about yourself that you deny, that make you uncomfortable or that you would rather not look at. It wasn't until watching that movie that I had the epiphany that I was not getting results in my situation because I was going about things my usual 'Kerri' way.My 'shadow side' that was hidden from me in this case was my judgement and rejection of the part of me that needed to be a bitch to get things done. I did not want to be 'that person.' I had a judgement on that part of myself. Who wants to be a bitch? No one. But you know what, I had to be. I had to put those big girl boots on and stamp my feet a bit.She said something that stayed with me in the movie, and forgive me I am paraphrasing but it was something along the lines of : 'We can only see our true light when we are standing in our shadow.'  You can only see your shadow from a place of light. You cannot see your shadow when you are operating from a place of being fully in it. And I believe that. True healing requires Honesty, and that is seeing and acknowledging All parts of ourselves. Not just the ones we like or want to embrace.Once I embraced my inner bitch, everything around me got moving. In the Right direction.Do I want to do it again? No way!I'm happy to go back to skipping through green fields with my butterflies. : )But I had to make peace with, honour, and love my inner bitch. Then I had to engage her into action. What a doozy. But it's really good to know that part of me is in there somewhere and when I need that part I know she has my back.What part of you do you not like to acknowledge or utilize? Can you find maybe one or 2 positive qualities about that part that can help you to embrace it?Believe me! It's worth asking yourself that question now, and balancing that now, rather than slogging through the chaos I just experienced.Please for the love of God learn from my folly!We all have a shadow side. The key is to get to know yours so you are aware of it. That way you can work with it in a positive loving way rather than have it's less favourable aspects control you. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours,  but try not to let your shadow side out around me anytime soon. I need a vacation! : )Love You All & A Big Hug From Me To You!xoKerri

Change Is Good ~ Embrace Your Mess


chaos-and-change1We just completed the Kundalini Reiki Master Intensive class last Sunday and indeed it was intense. Not in a bad way but in a Big Way. Just because Karen and I teach the class does not mean that we are immune to the shifts of the energy. In fact I believe we get it in a very concentrated way before during and after teaching. It is as though the universe is saying 'Are you ready to ride this frequency? Then buckle up!'I LOVE teaching this incredible modality. I love seeing the changes. It works FAST, it blasts through everything it needs to! To be honest the chaos that this fast pace sometimes creates, I could do without. I do blame myself. I did way too many processes on my house in a short period of time. The kids and I became unwell-as we were processing the changes in our physical body. Not a fun way to process, but things are healing and balancing and re-arranging as a result. Sometimes change in it's initial stages can be messy. I am not a fan of messy. I prefer disorder within some kind of order. But in this case it just got messy fast and I had to surrender and sit in the mess for a few days.Coming out the other side of a 'mess' is much more fun. This morning while teaching yoga I could start to see the clarity, the healing and the new order forming, but I can still see some of the changes I need to make as well.Change is good and change is necessary but lets face it, change can be messy. Does it have to be messy? Not at all. Change can be graceful and beautiful. However, in my experience Big Change (change that affects multiple timelines of reality and many people, places, things, times, and events) can be a bit 'messy'.fear-of-changeWhy am I sharing this? Well I want you to all embrace your 'mess'. Whatever you feel your mess may be. Being in a mess is no time to stick your head in the sand. Look your mess straight in the eye(if it has an eye)(might be more like an eye of a hurricane-lol) and Embrace it, Thank it, Learn from it, Acknowledge it, Love it. That 'mess' in your life is simply your transition through change. Change that you probably 'asked for', change you most certainly needed. Sometimes those sandcastles need to come down to be rebuilt. Better, stronger, healthier.The bigger the 'mess' the bigger the change. So if you find yourself in a big 'mess' know that the change that is coming will be very very big and very transformational. And remember Change is GOOD. Change happens when we 'ask for it'. Don't be frightened of the process. Just breathe, go slowly and trust.xoKerri      

If You Want Something Done Right...Do It Yourself?

How many times have we heard that over the years? I like to think that is not necessarily true but over the last couple of weeks I have realized something. No one can do my job as I do it, and that is not necessarily a good thing.images-1 I want to delegate. I really really do. But when I have to constantly repeat myself and ask for things to be done, in the time it takes me to explain them I could have used that energy and time to just do it myself and get it done. I do not feel I am asking too much or being extra picky, but the last few weeks have had me at the edge of my patience and boundaries with a couple of people. The feeling of disrespect from not being heard...it's not a good feeling. I expect that kind of behavior from children, but adults? Not so much.So I had to face the facts. As without so within. Meaning that I know my external reality is created by my internal reality. I knew the only way I was going to solve any of this was I had to go inwards and dig deep. But before I could do that and even begin to sort this all out, I had to be clear in why I was bothered. I had to break it down to the base things that were bothering me.1. I felt like I was not being heard. That made me feel disrespected, unacknowledged, and used.2. I felt like people were taking advantage of my good nature and knowing that I probably would not call them out on their 'crap' so they decided to steamroll me instead.I'imagesm a patient person. To a point. And I was pushed past that point. My inner warrior was in full effect-that 'inner me' that thrives on justice, truth and honesty was saying a loud no to disrespect, no to tyranny, no to unfairness, and no to just anything really.When I took all of the 'things' (and they were just that-things) that were bothering me, and I took them inside of myself and meditated and contemplated, I realized that the real person I was annoyed with was myself. I was not listening to, acknowledging, or honouring myself. I was not taking the time in my life to listen to my inner voice, so how on earth could I realistically expect anyone to listen to my outer one?  listenSo I took  a couple of days off. And I meditated, and I connected, and I wrote and I channeled and I created, and you know what? I am so glad I did. I had some incredible amazing epiphanies. I have learned so many new things. I been so creative with 3 new very exciting projects in the works (it will be like having triplets-but I have had twins already so I can do it-it's all good)I have made the promise to myself to honour myself and create more time in my day for reflection.In the end I am grateful for all of those people who rubbed me the wrong way to get me here. They reminded me that they are just the mirror and the answer to any and all outer conflict and frustration is to simply to have the courage to look into the mirror and look within.xo Kerri    

Hard Lessons


mistakeI learned a hard lesson this week. It involved making a sudden decision, getting excited and jumping into something in a large way, without necessarily doing my homework .It 'felt' right and my intuition is usually quite good. Fast forward a few days into the project and the feeling was very bad. So bad in fact, I felt physically sick and unwell and a feeling of doom around it. To make it worse, I went against my first reaction to just stop and back out then-which would have been smart. Instead I stayed and tried to fix things, let the other person talk me into a second chance, I tried to work it out. What ended up happening is that after the second attempt, I then an overwhelming sense that this was not going to work at all and any attempt to make it work would be incredibly stressful and painful for all persons involved, and would just drag the whole unpleasant process out.So I finally trusted my gut and pulled the plug. I had to basically fire someone, and it did not feel good. But they were not doing their job, not at all, and I was basically paying a lot of money for something I could easily do myself. I got blindsided by the 'presentation.' Unfortunately in today's day and time anyone can have a slick website and be an 'expert', and not be help accountable for the empty promises.What went wrong here? Well I needed to use my head(logic) and my heart(feeling/intuition), not just heart. Most people are in their heads too much and need more heart. In this case I was being all heart and no head and that is not balanced either.As a result I had to hurt someones feelings, I felt bad for that, I lost a lot of money, and I felt pretty stupid.But there were some valuable lessons in this for me.1. DO MY HOMEWORK. As much as I used to tease my husband for researching something to death before he commits sometimes it is not a bad idea to get a lot of (too much) information about something up front before committing.2. JUMP IN, but remember to look before I leap.3. BE HONEST. It is so difficult. when you don't want to hurt someones feelings. In trying to spare feelings I downplayed how I felt and dishonoured myself and the other person. In the beginning if I had been truly honest with myself and this person, and pulled out in those first moments of unease, then it would not have gone this far4. TRUST MYSELF. I Knew it felt wrong. I asked friends and family for advice instead of trusting my inner knowing.5. TRUST IN THE GOODNESS OF OTHERS WHILE REALIZING NOT EVERYONE LIVES AND ACTS IN INTEGRITY. I may never get my money back. That rests in the hands of the other person and honestly I have no idea how that will go. They did not deliver on their big promises, and I feel let down and a bit swindled, but it was my choices that got me here, I need to take responsibility for that.What now? I have to trust that this will all shake out fairly for both parties. It is out of my hands, but I have made peace with my choices and am no longer judging myself for making a mistake. By forgiving myself, and letting it go, that makes it easier to move on and I can find peace in that. : )xoKerri

The Season of Love Is Upon Us! Are You Loving Yourself?


thing-called-love[1]There are many things to love in this world. This season of love that is upon us reminds us to celebrate romantic love...which is a wonderful thing...but it is also a time to celebrate all that you love, not just a single relationship.I am lucky to love where I work, and the people I work with. I am blessed with a wonderful family, and kind and caring friends. I did not always feel this way. Like everyone else, I have been on a journey this lifetime. A journey alongside others, while at the same time changing and growing myself.One of the things I have learned over the years in my capacity as a healer, is that the greatest joy and the greatest challenge for most people is to learn how to love themselves. Truly. Not superficially. To love themselves deep down to the core of their being.People who truly love themselves are not fearful, they do not need to control things, they do not have an agenda, they do not require your attention, they do not waste time in competition, or with petty things, they do not need to convince you of anything, they just allow. They are calm and peaceful and content. They are not searching. They are Glowing. Children are naturally this way,  and on some level I think we all know this, and subconsciously desire to return to our innocent loving childlike state in that regard. That innocence and wonder, that eternal trust, and open heart. Who doesn't want that? Because let's face it, having a broken heart hurts. We learn as we go through life that our heart can be fragile, we become hurt, and we begin to close ourselves off to others, become guarded, defensive, we learn to let less and less love in.Until you learn to love yourself you cannot truly love another. Not really. Your love will always have conditions. It will look like this: I will love you if you do 'this and 'this' and 'this' for me. Your failure to do 'this' means I will withhold my love. This is not love. That is control.Real love is not self serving, it is selfless. Watch little children, how they love, how they play. They live Hearts Wide Open. Honest, Trusting and Loving. I believe we can learn so much from them.I endeavour to be more like a child and Live every day with my Heart Wide Open. To be honest, I am not there yet. Like many of you I sometimes struggle with releasing past hurts, hurt feelings, betrayal of trust, the awful feeling that comes with being misjudged by another.But we cannot give up, we need to keep trying to open our hearts up, more and more, to forgive past hurts and to allow Love to Heal.It Can Truly Heal All Things! I KNOW this to be true above all else. LOVE DOES HEAL ALL. I have experienced this miracle over and over again in my own life. It is remarkable.I also know this. If we really want this world to change for the better, we need to start by healing our Own Hearts.Love one another this Valentines Day. Be grateful and thankful for the ones you love in your life who love you, and please take some time to Love Yourself deeper.Find the courage to look deep inside yourself and find a hidden hurt that you need to forgive(we all have something) and let go of it. If it seems too big, allow yourself to begin to heal it little by little.You will feel lighter. You will begin to smile more. But more importantly your ability to truly love others will expand.  If we all do this together just imagine the change we can create!Much Love,KerriP.S.  Two of My All-time Favourite books about LOVE are:  'Love Without Conditions' by Paul Ferinni and 'Mastery of Love' by Don Miguel Ruiz. I highly recommend them both for anyone wanting to deepen their capacity to Love.Love & Relationships

Contemplation On A Train ~ How Finding Your Passion = Your Happiness

How to Find Your Passion.jpg

So here I am on the Go train heading to Toronto looking out the window (as most people do) and I see all sorts of industry, and large trucks as I usually do, but this day was different. On this day my mind went first to the piles of scrap metal, and then to the trucks, and then it began to contemplate  how everything got there in the first place. Here we had these huge truck,s made of huge sheets of metal, that were somehow created by melting down metal, and then pouring it into sheets, and then eventually assembled in to what would become the body of the truck.Now I have seen trucks before. Honest. But today I found this process to be nothing short of Amazing!My mind was on a full on wander. I contemplated how far we have come in a relatively short time from horse drawn carts to transport trailers.  Then I started thinking of ancient times and metals in general, how they have evolved over time and the creation of remarkable things like rocket ships etc.We live in a time where we are surrounded by all manner of inventions that make our lives easier. I found myself completely blown away.I found myself thinking that if someone from the 1950s time travelled here & you told them that in your pocket you had a portable jukebox that could play unlimited music, that could connect with people worldwide, and find the answer to any question they would probably think you were crazy. If you showed the device to them and demonstrated it they would probably think it was magic.What is incredible about these thoughts I was having is that Everything I was observing- the piles of metal, the trucks, the train tracks, the train I was riding in-all of it was built by people just like you and me. And before these things were even able to be built they were just ideas in someone's mind. Ideas that became plans, that became refined plans, and then engineered into what we have today. That IS the thought being made manifest at work. And we do it All The Time!  How amazing are we, that we can take a thought, and with a little focus and determination, we can turn it into something that other people can not only see but they can experience it themselves!And all of these epiphanies coming at me while looking at heaps of scrap metal and eating my morning oatmeal.Then like a lightbulb went off it came to me. If we are this incredible, why is is do many of us in our lives feel trapped and limited? I see people every day stuck. Stuck in illness, stuck in limiting beliefs, stuck in fear and judgement. We, as human beings are amazing little pods of potential. We can think, do and create absolutely anything!Want a new world? You got it!Just get on it, and keep at it.Someone in our past was passionate about metal and had a vision. Someone else wanted a better more efficient way to transport goods. Necessity is the mother of invention but so is passion!The real Key in living a full and happy life is finding out what you are passionate about so that you can find your own personal vision and create it. By creating it, that enables you to share it. If you do not know what your passion is, that's ok! You have your whole life to figure that out.Here's a hint.It is usually what makes you happy. And the best part is it, will be unique to you, it will utilize all of your natural talents and gifts.I think people run into trouble when they try and force their passion or fit into one that just doesn't fit, or isn't  right for them. Sometimes I see people who think someone else's passion is better than theirs so they try and live that persons life. That always ends in unhappiness and disaster. You know that has happened when someone is always looking over their shoulder or comparing what they have and don't have to what other people have and don't have. That creates misery and lack. That is also pure distraction from you looking within to find...you guessed it! YOUR passion.Hint number 2, it usually finds you.Everything in your life will be subtly or not so subtly steering you in that direction. If you have found your passion and look back on your life you will see how that is true.I know that is true in my case. I fought my intuition for years. How is 'knowing things before they happen' and 'seeing energy' at all useful. It really wasn't welcomed at the time. Well it ends up those skills were an integral part of my passion. Those things about me are what makes me unique and able to help others in the capacity that I'm passionate about.Do I feel foolish in retrospect for wandering around the first part of my life ignoring these things about myself till I 'got it'. Not at all. Because I'm passionate about many things. Yes you can have more than one passion!We are meant to be unique! Imagine how boring this world would be if we were all the same.Now I can respect and appreciate how scrap metal can be transformed into all manner of useful creations, and appreciate the creative and visionary minds that made it so, but that is not my passion.My passion is inspiring you to live your best life, find perfect health & balance & live in harmony.What's yours?