I'm wondering how everyone is doing after the big shift we went through leading up to and throughout the holidays. I have noticed lately with clients and students that many people are not quite feeling like themselves yet. Or they have been going in and out of feeling like themselves and then just feeling 'weird'. There have also been a number of colds and flus making the rounds.I just wanted to share my view on what some of you may be energetically experiencing based on what my guides have been sharing with me over the last few weeks as I have been helping others through the process.After our large shift we went into(and are still in) a period of integration and activation. Right now everything you had cleared and transmuted energetically may be still moving through your physical body before making a final exit from your body and energy systems. Hurray! Some of you did this before the shift-and some who were hanging on to some old stuff (and being stubborn about it!) are clearing it post shift. Sometimes the more energetically sensitive the person is, the more tangible and noticeable these physical transmutations have been. Some have felt the release physically, others mentally and emotionally, or if you are lucky like me you get it moving through all layers before it leaves. : )The shift we had was indeed a BIRTH. For all of the moms out there who have gone the 9-10 months through a pregnancy-most of their available energy going towards growing and nurturing the baby- as well as the intensity of the labour experience you can relate to those post birth feelings. The after feeling of joy at having that new life to now hold and care for, coupled with the extreme exhaustion, body aches, and mood swings that may come after. Periods of intense joy followed by fatigue, and also learning a complete new way of being-becoming a mom-responsible for another life other than your own. A big responsibility. Your heart expands, your worldview expands. It is one of those moment that forever changes you, and you cannot even describe it, it just has to be experienced.Well Congratulations Everyone because on 12/21/12 we all birthed a New Reality. And although that was more of a concept and an energetic shift and not an actual physical baby, it was still a birth nonetheless. It was right up there with having twins in my books. : ) Some healers and intuitives I know actually put on extra weight the 9-10 months leading up to the shift(and that weight just came-no matter how active they were or what they were eating), and they are now in the process of losing it. How crazy is that?!This analogy may help you understand this current integrating period and to remind you to please please please be gentle with yourself as you readjust to life as a new mother. Nurturing that new life, is a big deal. And not only are you the mother who went through labour, but you are the baby as well. You are the mother and the child all at the same time. Amazing isn't it?Once you clear away those cold/flu germs(for those who have had that experience), or any lingering emotions, or mental patterns that no longer serve you, you are going to feel lighter and clearer and ready to go forward full steam ahead.We all process and clear and shift at our own unique pace that is absolutely perfect for us. I have a tendency to go through things early and then once I'm through and out the other side, my clients and friends and family go through what I just experienced. I asked my guides about this a few years ago because it was a repeating pattern I noticed but did not fully understand. They explained to me that anyone working as a lightworker or healer, in service to humanity will have a tendency to shift through things earlier so that they can better understand and have compassion and offer guidance to those who have yet to experience it. The reason I'm sharing this information with you now is because I went through everything you all have too and am feeling fantastic right now! So if you are still in it and still feeling scattered and all over the place, please hold onto the hope that you will be very soon feeling more balanced and energized.Right now if you are still adjusting, take that necessary time for yourself to recover from the 'birth'. Be gentle with yourself and above all be compassionate and gentle with those other souls around you who are going through the same thing. A kind word and a smile can go a long way to brightening someones day.Much Love & Gratitude,& Give Yourself a Huge Pat on the back for Being So Fabulous!Kerri
2013 ~ A Time For New Beginnings & To Create
Well it's past the New Year and I am still working on a newsletter. It's getting a bit late to talk about the new year now isn't it? It has sort of come and gone. I took an extended vacation and one of my resolutions for this year was to better juggle all of my commitments. My work, my family, etc. And I love it all, so it makes it harder to juggle when you love everything you are doing. Looks like the newsletter has fallen into the delayed pile along with the Christmas cards that did not make it out this year.(don't worry, the newsletter is coming, it's just taking longer to create it than I thought) If anyone learns to stop time-call me-I'm interested. : )I like to spend the time leading up to a New Year and just after to take some time for self reflection, soul searching, a 'check in' with myself, with spirit and with everything. I contemplate. Not so much to make 'resolutions', but I more or less to make observations about the past year. I then I leave everything behind I no longer need, and take the wisdom of things I learned from the past year to help me make enlightened goals and choices about the coming year.During this reflection time, one of the things I realized I was learning in 2012 was that I am just one person. I ended up getting sick a couple of times. This is rare for me to have my body just refuse to come along for the ride. It rebelled and I had to take time off to get back into balance. This was a direct result from doing too much and not getting enough down time. So this year I decided would be about balance for me, and completion.Completion?Completion of a dream 5 years in the making. The renovation of the centre to create more space for classes. It will be a positive thing for everyone, and I'm so so incredibly excited(I'm jumping up and down on the inside-can you see it?!) and cannot wait and am more than a little impatient. It has been a vision in my mind for years now, but it's still not physically here. Sometimes things we are trying to create take time. It is not on Our time but on Divine time that they are made manifest. I remind students and clients of this 'divine timing' often so it was funny that I found myself needing to take my own advice.The mind is powerful and this time of year everyone-or almost everyone is thinking about their brand new year. It is a fresh start for many, but much more than that because so many of us are reflecting on this and putting our energy on this, it actually creates a frequency out there in the world that supports change. This is the best time to make a change, switch up a habit, let something/someone go because it is 'energetically' supported.Keep in mind that when you do let something go, you create a vacuum that needs to be filled and it can be filled unconsciously or consciously. I am always a fan of taking part in choosing my reality rather than taking whatever is thrown my way. In order to do that you need to have something to take the place of the old thing you are letting go of. You need to CREATE. Whether that creation is a dream, goals, or an image you have in your mind that represents your ideal future, it does not matter. The important thing is to take a few moments to do it.The universe is a vast soup of potential that wants to give us what we need but cannot do that is we are not being clear. Creating helps you get clear, even if you have no idea what you want. The very act of starting the process, helps things to come into alignment.Below are some tips to help you Create. Feel free to use them as a starting point to inspire you on dreaming up a beautiful future for yourself in 2013. And Think Big! Because after all, we survived the end of the Mayan calendar (and the 'end of the world'), what can't we do?If you need help honing your focus on CREATING, we have an upcoming Practical Intuition event later this month to help you do just that. The group energy of Excitement for the New Fabulous Year will help propel you forward if you are having difficulty getting there on your own. More details are HERE
It's Time To Create Your Year!
Decide How it will be and Make it So!
Declare it!
Keep is Short and Simple and
Take Action to Make it Happen.
I've broken it down into 6 easy steps that you can remember as they spell the word that is the most important part-Create!
C-Get Clear
Unless you have a clear vision or clear goals you will only create chaos and confusion for yourself
R-Keep it Real
Start with realistic goals. I am all for setting your sights high, but do not set yourself up to fail. Take baby steps until you feel momentum beginning, then ramp it up.
E-Enthusiasm is a Must
If you are not excited about your life and dreams and goals no one else is going to be either. If you are not excited, then you are not in alignment with your soul and hearts desire and it's time to rethink your goals
Many people get stuck here. Yes you need a plan. But you are also required to get up and put it into action. No one is going to serve you life on a platter. Go out and get it!
Timing is everything. If the timing is off, well the whole thing can unravel. But if you are going to let that stop you then you did not really want it in the first place. Persistance pays off. Always.
E-Enjoy The Process
Have FUN! If you are not having fun, something is missing and you need to go back to the drawing board.
(If you are going to share the above process, please do so with integrity and give credit-this process created by and copyright © Kerri Fargo)
It is going to be a Beautiful Year! I am very excited about 2013 and I hope you are too!
A Surprising Morning
A few hours ago I was pulled from my dreaming by the sound of long continuous honking. As my consciousness came back to my body and the earth, it greeted silence. I wondered was the honking external or had it been part of my dream? In my sleepy haze, the question faded, and I began to drift off again. I suddenly awoke fully with a start to loud pounding at the door. I realized I had to get the door as my husband was not here, that made me the one in charge. I stumbled downstairs with no time to even think. I was alone, up north with my sister, brother in law, and their kids. Not wanting to wake anyone, but unsure what was going on, I hurried to the door. There are no neighbors this time of year. Was someone in trouble or distress? I opened the door and the snow plough man tells me I need to move my car that I had parked at side of road because he couldn't get around it. I had parked there because the snow filled driveway was inaccessible. We had hiked our supplies in. So I got my keys and followed him up the hill, waking up now in the early morning cold. I had a few realizations walking up that hill.1. no one knows where I am. My sister and BIL are sleeping.2. It would be easy for him to (insert whatever your half asleep, fear-based mind could make up, here)After rolling a few scenarios around in my mind, I rest back in the faith that I'm safe and continue up the hill. If I'm not it's too late to turn back now.3. I was feeling the cold. I take stock that I'm in pjs & boots-no hat, no mitts etc.So I get into the van and drive down the road until I find a flat driveway without too much snow to pull into so the plough can get past me-this sounds simple enough but was next to impossible and about 2.km down the road. The plough passed me and I wait for it to turn around at bottom of the road and pass by me again before pulling out of the spot I'm in. I then realize I cannot go back and re-park where I was. I now have to park my car somewhere else and walk back. I know the road fairly well and know this will certainly be a bit of a hike. I also know that because of my earlier haste, I am improperly dressed for such a hike.I drive down the road and eventually find an area off to the side where I can safely park.I know I have to walk back. No hat no mitts and in pjs. I did go to bed with long underwear under my pjs as the fire hadn't heated the place up yet-so I take comfort in that.I get out of the car grab a gift basket my sister had left in the car (to save her a trip later)and I start walking. It's cold. I'm tired. I'm holding a gift basket. What was I thinking? I switch hands from basket holding to my pockets in an effort to stay warm. The snow is so cold it crunches. Loudly. I contemplate how it was silly of me not to remember to move the car-something my husband always did-and he wasn't here-but he always did it so I never even thought of it.I'm still walking and I'm getting really cold. I have a bit of a ways to go. I'm now annoyed. I only had a few hours sleep. I was already up at 3am stoking the fire. I had maybe 3 hours of sleep the night before. I know my neice and nephews will be up Early. My plans to get a proper sleep are fading fast. I trudge along feeling sorrier and more annoyed with myself. It's dark it's cold. Why am I carrying a gift basket? That's crazy. Are there coyotes up here? Would they be placated by chocolate? Why do the dark tree stumps look like people lurking?I trudge. I contemplate. I mind-complain. I get colder. The road goes on forever. I start to freeze.And then something happened.I looked UP and was literally stopped in my tracks.There in the clear night sky was one of the most beautiful moons I have ever seen. Complete with planets and bright stars all around. I was frozen in place just staring at it all like a fool. I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open in awe (I was still half asleep-in my defense)I was- in that moment-Absolutely Transformed.I went from a miserable, mind-complaining, freezing cold, wretch of a girl to a grateful and inspired human being. I placed the gift basket down on the ground, and just took in the fullness of the scene, appreciating that I was completely alone in beautiful nature. Silence, moonlight, snow so cold it crunches, bright stars, glowing moon, I felt so small, so taken care of, so loved and blessed. To be Present in this Moment-which now felt like a Miracle.I Thanked God, the universe, all of creation For My Life, for the miracle of living breathing and experiencing. I was so Thankful and Grateful for that moment, for having eyes to see and for the experience.What began as an interruption and large inconvenience in my life, had instantly shifted into a precious moment. And it made me realize, these moments are Everywhere.... Always. They happen throughout our day All The Time but our mind/personality/perception does not always allow us to see.Sometimes we need to be taken outside of ourselves( by strange events or circumstances largely outside of our control & comfort zone) to see anything at all.It is our Perspective that is Everything. Nothing in my scene or experience had changed here. Nothing at all.But I changed.And all it took was a moment.And I am so grateful for the reminder.So what is the point of this story?What indeed. : )It is this....Please look at something in your life today, or even last week, or further into your past that on the surface you judged as an inconvenience or unwelcome. Go back into the experience of that time, and find that moment of truth. That moment of clarity. Your own 'jewel' or 'pearl' from your experience and sit with that.Keep in mind there are no 'accidents' in life.If you do this with an open mind and heart, I guarantee the wisdom and awe that will flow over you will be no less greater than what I just experienced moments earlier. A moment so great I did not return to the sleep I so desperately thought I wanted and needed, but chose instead to share this moment(via a teeny & inefficient keyboard on my phone) with all of you. Now that is divine inspiration!Big hugs,Kerri
12/12/12 Healing ~ My Experience
Good day everyone!I hope you had a fabulous sleep. I know some of you had amazing experiences. I just wanted to share mine here and please feel free to share yours as well. I think it helps others to hear the stories of everyone's experiences, maybe we saw and experienced similar things, it may provide insight into what others felt and experienced.I began by preparing sacred space as I usually do however this time the focus was on creating balance.I was guided to bring 2 of my favourite crystals out-one that contains the energies of Glastonbury-the heart chakra of the earth and another that contains the energies from Macchu Picchu, the surrounding mountains and the crystal city. I didn't really question that, I just went with my intuition but later upon reflecting thought that was fitting for the Heart(Glastonbury is considered the heart chakra of the earth) to be united with the energies of the Sacral(creativity-birth and new beginnings)(Peru is considered to be the sacral chakra of the earth-the umbilical cord that connects us to earth mother)On 11/11/11 I had to spend so much time connecting us all to the earth before I could even begin. This time was different in that I still had to do that but it was incredibly fast. For the actual healing part of the evening, I was guided to have my angel music on in the background(by Aeoliah)The energy during the healing was lighter overall, more refined and the focus was on opening the heart to help us all give and receive love more easily and effortlessly. There was a strong sense coming from everyone of the need to feel 'safe' to feel safe in order to open one's heart. Spirit supported that. I saw everyone joining in on the healing as stars all gathering together and swirling in unison. It was incredibly beautiful.What surprised me were the colours. I 'see' colour all the time but the vividness was like nothing I have ever seen before. I saw the blues I see so often that signify to me that we are healing patterns embedded in our DNA but there was a green that was so bright and alive and as if to answer my question of "wow! where did this colour come from?" my guide told me it is a new colour coming in for healing. A new colour? Listen, I had the bog box of crayons, I was in an art program for years, I have seen many shades of colours in my time, but this green was like nothing I have ever seen!-I can't even describe it. It is as though our world here cannot really express the frequency of the colours I saw-they were from elsewhere. Incredible!I saw the stars then shift into a large flower of life symbol, everyone represented a circle in the symbol-individual, but connected and one, all at the same time. I could hear the sound and music from this geometric shape(the same sounds I have heard in crop circles)The overall theme of the healing for everyone was creating a safe heart space. I was aware that there needed to be a clearing of karmic ties between people-relationships, friendships, etc. There was a large need for letting go of patterns that no longer serve and fears with regards to relationships with self and with others. I was guided to do a couple of Kundalini Reiki processes to help support that and so did a Karmic Band clearing and Past Life Clearing, as many of the relationships coming up were linked to past life events. So for some of you this was a Huge part of the healing you needed. I suspect those of you who had a lot to clear here may be feeling like you have been hit by a truck(sorry), extreme fatigue and even emotions rising to the surface that you may not understand-and do not expect to-they are just coming up to clear and go-they are from another time. Get rest, drink lots of water, journal if you feel you want to, just be gentle with yourself. The pattern that was clearing was fear, primarily fear of judgement, fear of betrayal, fear of death.This was all necessary in order to create more space in your heart to experience unconditional love and joy. : )At one point I felt part of the group was experiencing some financial struggle-fear and lack-so did an abundance process to get that energy moving.You will all get a kick out of this, as the healing was winding down I was guided to then do the attunement part for those who wished that. For that I needed to read out loud an intention. As I opened my eyes I happenned to notice the clock it was exactly 1:11am. So the healing went from 12:12am-1:11am. That made me smile.Our guides and angels not only Love us unconditionally, they have a beautiful sense of timing, and humour.Think of your most cosy blanket, and the feeling of being wrapped up in warmth, think of the most loving hug you have ever felt where you just melt into it. Think of a joy so great your heart may burst because it cannot contain it all. That is how the energy of Seraph Rose feels.I felt her energy come forward and knew it was time to begin the attunement. The colours shifted to violet, purple and a lavender colour. I could see everyone's heart chakras as lights-lit up-as the attunement proceeded I saw everyone's heart flame grow brighter and brighter and brighter. Seraph Rose is like a great beautiful loving mother I felt so loved and so held and safe. I felt us all connected through our hearts as one large flame of unconditional love. I thought I would burst with joy.Please know she will always stay with you in your healings and interactions with others-you can call on her whenever you are finding it difficult to meet a situation in love. She will be there for you to guide you through. That feeling that she would always be there for all of you that was coming from her was so very strong, almost overwhelming, so please please ask her for help whenever you need it. Everyone's hearts were lit up beautifully. I wish I could paint what I saw. No one would worry over the state of the earth for one single minute if they saw the beauty in everyone's hearts that I witnessed.Thank you so much for coming together and choosing to be a part of this!!! For setting your intention to embrace love, and to have the courage to change and heal. Healing takes great courage and so does change. Give yourself a huge pat on the back. Thank you to the Beautiful healers who joined in to make the energy of this night so incredible! I honour all of you and am so very grateful to have been a part of such an incredible night. : )Please know that the upcoming 12/21/12 will be a beautiful time of celebration. You do not need to go towards that date with any fear. It is our collective birthday. I encourage all of you to follow your hearts deepest desire on that day and spend your time doing whatever calls to your heart and soul. There are so many wonderful events cropping up.I had thought I would be out celebrating with a a large group but for me my heart is pulling me to stay in that night with my family and have a cuddly night with them. That is in my heart that feels right for me-and it is not what I thought I would be doing that night- but I trust what I am pulled to do. I feel a need to be in my home with everyone who makes it home. : ) So if you are normally a homebody and feel the call to go out and are surprised by that, just follow that, trust that.There may be spelling mistakes here-I will try and correct later-I just wanted to share this as soon as I could : )LOVE LOVE LOVE to All of you!!!!Big Hugs,Kerri
Why 12/12/12, Why not 12/21/12?
Why 12/12/12 and not 12/21/12?Good question. and one I asked my guide. I had planned to send Free distance healing on 12/21/12, but when sat in meditation to receive clarity and guidance on this I was guided to send it on 12/12/12 instead. When I asked 'why?' this is the message I received.12/12/12 is near a new moon which has a more supportive frequency to letting go and clearing.12/21/12 approaches a full moon which is a better time for filling up and creating. 'Well isn't 12/21/12 the perfect time to receive then?' I asked my guide. Yes he said, but 12/21/12 is a celebration-like a big birthday party, it should be spent out and about with loved ones in celebration, or at home with family and friends in communion with one another. It is the perfect time to gather and just enjoy life-the ideal situation would to be in pure joy-to spend that day doing things you absolutely love with people you love dearly.12/12/12 offers the last opportunity to clean house to get clear so that we can be open to receive all there is to receive on 12/21/12. He told me if I really wanted to be 'helpful' by sending healing to others, then the best time to do that to support and help others was on 12/12/12.Who am I to argue with a being who is a million times wiser than me and whose advice has been incredibly accurate the whole time I have known him? : ) Although I'm always asking 'why' like a petulant child to everything(because honestly that is how I learn) I also know the feeling of 'truth' and I resonated strongly with his advice.So the 12/12/12 healing is to help you let go of those last little things that no longer serve you, to 'clean house' so that you can receive the abundance of joy love and healing coming to you on our birthday on 12/21/12.To participate in the FREE healing, or for more details please go HERE.Big Blessings,Kerri
FREE Distance Healing 12/12/12
Greetings Everyone,I'm sure all of you have all been hearing about all of the shifts we have been going through leading up the end of the Mayan Calendar of 12/21/12. We are gearing up towards one of the largest energetic transformations in our history!Many of you participated in the FREE group healing of 11/11/11. What an incredible beautiful experience of everyone joining in to give and receive.That was an incredible experience for me as well as one of the most amazing beautiful and loving celebrations with spirit I have had the honour of participating in. It is with that in mind that I had decided to offer another FREE distance healing on the sacred date of 12/21/12. After meditating on this for clarity and guidance, I received intuitive information that it would be more beneficial if I sent the healing on 12/12/12. If you are interested on why that is, you can read the full story in another post HERE.12/12/12 is an important time. It is just as important as the great shift we have already experienced and the future ones we will continue to experience.What makes this time so important is that our (clear) thoughts and intentions are not only necessary right now, but required, to determine the future frequency we will live in.Anyone with healing experience, or has ever been part of a prayer circle has witnessed the power of group consciousness, love and intent. All of us united with a common goal of healing, and raising our frequency will not only help heal ourselves, but the world as well.That is why I am offering this FREE distance healing to any and all who are open to receive it.While you sleep you will receive healing energy to help you let go of things you no longer need, as well as an activation to help you receive the new energies coming to you. I have also been guided to send the Attunement for the Angel link to Seraph Rose. This is a Lightarian Reiki Attunement.Seraph Rose Aura's Angel-Link is to open you up even more to be a beacon of Unconditional Love. I feel there is no accident that I was guided to pass her energies on. Right now we need unconditional love more than ever, ~ towards ourselves, towards everyone & everything.Seraph Rose Aura spreads the angelic quality of purest unconditional love to humanity. Via her Angel-Link connection with you, an "angelic flame of unconditional love" will be placed into your heart space, fully radiate through your energy fields and then ripple out into all areas of your experience. Afterwards, Rose Aura will be working in your "etheric background" as an Angelic Guide to assist you in all matters of the heart...especially the expansion of unconditional love of self and others.'More Information can be found on Angel-links HERE.To participate you just need to RSVP.You can do that via the link below.If you do not want the Lightarian Angel-link Attunement just let me know in your RSVP, and I will just send the healing energy. (The Lightarian Attunements are wonderful high frequency loving energies-but just in case you do not want them, you can opt out of this part of the session.) To benefit the most from this session please take some time during the days leading up to this event to journal. Make a list of the things in your life you would like some help letting go of. Then make a list of your dreams and goals along with anything you would like to see enter your life. I will be sending this energy with all of the guides that I work with. Afterwards I will post here any insights or information I may receive during this session.Many of you are healers as well. If you would like to give as you receive please join me at 12:12am by sending healing energy to the group. Together we can do incredible things!! I am so excited about this. My guides have been getting me ready for this the last few weeks. It is going to be Wonderful!Please RSVP through the meetup groups below:If you are registered on Meetup already either through Practical Intuitionor the Reiki SharePlease RSVP through there-you can post details in your comments on whether you would like the attunement or not and any extra people you want me to send to. It just makes it so much easier for me-less email to go through today : )Please make sure if you are requesting healing on behalf of someone that you have their permission. I will connect with everyone and ask permission energetically before sending the energy as well. Obviously infants, pets and small children or anyone in a non conscious state cannot give verbal consent. Rest assured that if someone does not want to receive the energies-they will not.If you are Not registered on those sites Please RSVP by commenting on my blog post re. the FREE Healing HEREI just need your name and if you just want healing and not the attunement or both let me know as well.I should also mention that I will be teaching a Reiki 1&2 Class on December 15th & 16th. This will be the last class offered in 2012.Reiki is a wonderful tool to help keep yourself healthy and balanced, as well as a wonderful modality to use to help others. The only complaint I have ever heard in over ten years of teaching has been, 'I wish I had learned this sooner.'If you are contemplating learning Reiki you may wish to do so at this time. I will be extending the early registration discount till December 10th to allow for any last minute students. More information on Reiki & Reiki Classes HERE. Any healers wishing to join me by sending Distance Healing at 12:12am, I welcome you! Please make sure you take time to receive as well.I'm very excited!!Big Blessings!Kerri www.circleoflightwellness.comCircle of Light on FacebookOur BlogWe Tweet! To answer a couple of questions that have come up, No you do not need to be asleep-don't worry if you happen to be awake*I am sending the Seraph Rose Angel Link Attunement. Your body will take the energies and integrate them in the best possible way for you. They are gentle healing energies, and yet powerful supportive energies for change and growth. They are not like a Reiki attunement in that you are not having an attuenment and taking a class. It is like receiving a positive energetic boost to help bring your dreams and goals into being. : )*Also this is a DISTANCE healing-you are not required to come to the centre at 12:12am!)
I'm LOVING The Body!
I'm in the middle of completing my Medical Intuition training and yesterday I experienced complete and utter awe and reverence for the body.Before I explain I should probably explain Medical Intuition a little bit and this will help me practice how to explain it because it is unique and different from all my other services.Medical Intuition is a modality in which the practitioner goes directly to the body for the information. To help you understand I am going to briefly explain my other main modalities.In a Channelling session I am going to my guide(s) for the information and just reporting whatever I am shown told experience etc.In a Medium session I am going to the loved one(s) who have crossed over for the information.In a Reiki session I am going to the body AND the energy field AND the layers of energy for the information which can come from anywhere(guides, angels, body, mind, emotions etc. etc..)It is kind of like a smorgasboard of information as the healing is happening as well.So in Medical Intuition I am going to the body. The body only. No guides, no departed loved ones, just the client's body. It is a different way of working and to be honest I find the whole process very thorough and intense. Intense because it can take me up to 4 hours to complete a scan.Also intense because there is absolutely no way to prepare for what the body will show me. Every 'body' is different, every scan is different, and sometimes the information can seem a bit odd to me-however the information IS from the client's body for that client so they often resonate with what makes little or no sense to me.It is similar to channelling in that regard because in a chanelling session I have no idea about 99% of the information relayed. It makes no sense to me..it is for the client and my job is to deliver it clearly and accurately not to interpret it and definately not to to colour it with my belief or my 2 cents.I had a teacher who once said we all filter channelled information-or information from spirit through the 'dirty rag' of our personalities. At the time I laughed at the analogy, however as the years go on I realize the absolute brilliance of this statement.That 'dirty rag' is our beliefs, our culture, our fears, our limitations, our upbringing, our agendas, our personality etc.I have consciously worked on myself for many years and still do to this day to become a clearer and clearer channel and to stay completely out of a channelling session in that I am simply there as the reporter of the information.What I have noticed about channelled information over the years in books and online is that it is very clear to see another's 'dirty rag'.Information from spirit is Never fear based. It Never tells you what to do. Absolutely spirit will guide and suggest and help when asked. But spirit will Not 'you should', 'you need to', 'you have to', or 'watch out for'.Those kinds of statements are red flags for me that the person channelling has way too much of themselves in the session.Also if the person delivering the info. has an agenda, or wants the person receiving the take the advice..that is a red flag too.Spirit does not interfere with anyone's free will. EVER. We NEED to ask for help to give them permission to even intervene in our lives! That is why so many people experience miracles after they finally get down on their knees and pray. They have FINALLY asked for help and so it arrives.This wasn't meant to be a post on channelling and MI is NOT channelling, but there are similarities.In MI when the practitioner connects with the body they cannot bring any preconceived notions, or assumptions from other modalities or any kind of healing background. One simply connects to the body and allows IT to tell the story. That story may be more in the physiology or anatomy, it may be a more emotional piece, it can even touch on previous times, or the client at other ages.I'm getting to the point-bear with me. For those who know me I tend to talk in a meandering 'circular' fashion....but we get there..eventually. : )So the last few days I have been re-immersed in this work, and the other day we had to do an exercise or skit to act out one of the body systems.Our group was assigned the nervous system. We had around 10 minutes to figure out how we were going to act it out. Well the nervous system is HUGE and does so much! How can 3 people understand it and come up with a skit to act it out so the other group can guess what it is?! Honestly?Well, we figured it out but I have to tell you, the amount of co-ordination and thought to do that was a lot. And we were just acting out 2 or 3 simple responses the body would have.After that experience I sat at my desk in awe. (I hope my mouth was not hanging open while I was in awe but I can't be certain it wasn't)One thing for sure I realized our bodies are utterly AMAZING! Imagine! Your body works 24/7 and it works diligently. It is rarely thanked, often abused and still keeps going. It never complains but more or less asks for help via different sensations that we often ignore. Eventually when part of a system does crash we often meet that with frustration or anger because it cannot do it's job.Honestly if any of us were required to work 24/7 at that pace with no break, no recognition, no thanks, no reward, well we would leave after one day. But not the body. It silently organizes and operates things we cannot even wrap our head around. And we believe the wonders are off this planet in the vast universe somewhere out there?! I tell you the greatest wonder you could ever hope to experience IS you!I wanted to send my body a thank you card, and apology letter for years of not recognizing it's hard work. To wait all of these years to have this kind of epiphany...well it's a long time to go.And while I was unwell weeks ago I was too annoyed at having to slow down to even stop and think that perhaps, just perhaps, I have been too hard on my body. I have technically been an 'abusive' employer. I have to be honest, felt more than a little ashamed after that.So if anything I hope you get out of this post a deeper reverence for the skin you are in and everything underneath your skin. Your remarkable body that has gotten you through this life so far and continues to do so. What deeper love can anything have than our body for us? It is as selfless as a mother, looking after us first, rarely complaining and keeping us here so that we can have this earthly experience.I Thank my body for giving me this experience so that I can better understand it, appreciate it, and have reverence for all that it does. This MI class has been challenging, and rewarding but most of all it has reconnected me to my body in such a deep and appreciative way that I am so very thankful for that.I hope you can look at your own body through New eyes today-even if and especially if -you have a had a rocky relationship with it. Recognize all it has done for you, and send it some love, or at the very least a heartfelt thank you. : )
Angels All Around Us
I often connect in with spirit and ask for guidance, but last week I felt I was overloading my angels 'inboxes' with ongoing prayers to receive guidance, clarity and help.Over the last two weeks I have experienced many challenges that seemed to come all at once. Coupled with just getting over an illness, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed.I found myself using all of my tools as a healing practitioner on a daily basis to help with situations. I found myself wanting to make things better, or at the very least have some understanding.Nothing was happening directly to me, but more to the people around me. These events triggered my momma bear in a big way because I am fiercely protective about people I care about and I do not like judgement and injustice. So not only did I have to learn to detach from the situation, I had to try not to be 'Kerri the healer', and simply be Kerri the silent witness to the process.I knew intuitively that the solution could not come from my desire or will and that it needed to be surrendered to a higher power. So I gave it all up to the universe and promised not to micro-manage God and to just be o.k. with the outcome.The feeling was akin to a child sitting on their hands to prevent nail biting. I had to consciously remind myself to not react, and to just wait, and observe and breathe, and wait.I used this Helpful Advice For Any Situationfrom Buddhist Nun Amy Miller. I believe this to be simple and absolutely brilliant and it works!1. Observe2. Breathe3. Smile4. Be gentle5. Go slowlyI had the opportunity to do those 5 steps a lot. : )Last Tuesday I had to accompany my husband to an important meeting. We went by our local Starbucks on the way home. While I was waiting for him I was looking at some beautiful angel paintings on the wall. They were over near to the corner, he didn't even notice them until I made him look.I, on the other hand, had been magnetically pulled to them. I could feel the love and joy radiating off of them and I even took the business card of the artist with the intent to call her to ask about having paintings done for my nieces and nephews.I put the card in my bag.Wednesday and Thursday I had full days/evening with clients. Needless to say, I forgot about the card.Thursday, after a full day I was getting ready to receive my last client. She was waiting for me in the main room and she said she had to talk to me & show me something first. She was just about jumping out of her skin with excitement.She proceeded to say how after the Reiki class last month her creativity was just flowing like crazy and she had started painting. She was very excited and told me she had made me a painting and pulled it out of a bag and handed it to me.I was so surprised to receive a gift, and when I saw the painting, I just about fell off my chair.There in my lap was an angel painting just like the ones I had admired two days prior! WOW!I immediately jumped out of my chair and said 'just wait a minute. I need to show you something." I ran to my bag and pulled out the business card and showed it to her. I told her I had picked it up on Tuesday and planned to call her. When I initially picked up the business card I had not even looked at the name on the card so I hadn't even made a connection with her name and the Reiki class I taught last month.I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE coincidences like this.For me they are always a HUGE Message from Spirit.In this case it was as though the Angels were shouting. 'We hear you! Everything is ok. Relax!' and possibly a 'stop clogging up our inbox'!I took this as a direct message from the universe, that despite my recent experiences, to Keep the Faith.Here I was sitting across from this beautiful human being who was creating and living from the heart in absolute joy.This whole situation did not just confirm the angels were with me and looking after my loved ones, but it also restored my faith in humanity.Prior to this I had experienced some rather shocking behavior from people the last 2 weeks so was feeling a bit disheartened about the state of the world. I know everyone has goodness inside of them but I had recently experienced the darker side of individuals via their energy and behavior towards others. Greed, fear, just plain nastiness. Part of me wanted to say to them. Stop! Think of the karma you are creating for yourself in this lifetime. Everyone who works with energy knows that everything we send out into the universe whether through thought, intention, or emotion comes back to us hundreds of times stronger than what we send out. Especially now with things manifesting so quickly. Please be mindful.While I had been praying, I was asking for direction. Do I keep going on my path? Do I just keep sending them love and hope they will heal and not have to act from fear anymore? Was was this happening in my reality? I do not normally have this sort of experience. Was the universe bringing me these experiences because it wanted me to change direction? Commit further to the one I am on? Just full stop? What exactly?I was not receiving any clarity so had been considering every possible angle-with my logical mind-probably not the best way to solve a situation. : )As I have been moving through this chaos-because ultimately that is what the energy has felt like- I have spoken to many other healers, practitioners, and classmates(as I'm in class furthering my training all week) and have found everyone is going through something similar, either directly or indirectly. My classmates and I had a chat at lunch, catching up since we have not been together since April, and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief as we realized we are not the only ones who have been faced with some pretty tough challenges in the last month. Now in my experience chaos is an excellent energy. Never in the moment of course, but chaos brings with it great and lasting change. When it comes, it means dramatic transformation is in the works, and often change for the better. It is getting through it that can be the tricky part. As healers we all recognized that, but it does not make it easier.It is from that experience of sharing that I felt it was important to share my personal experience here in case it may help someone else.It is during times like these where we often feel our faith is being tested.It certainly is.As a healer this has been the point of all my training. To use it Now. When it is needed.If you have experienced what seems like insurmountable challenges in the last few days, weeks, months.Please Do Not Lose Faith.Ask for help from the people in your life and from Spirit and hold steady on your course.We are all changing, we are all shifting. We are all on the earth going through this shift together, we need to honour one another, not resort to lower vibrational frequencies. Please make choices from Love, not fear, and be kind to one another. Not everyone is moving through these shifts with grace and ease. Compassion is so necessary right now. And so are healthy boundaries. Be kind and compassionate but do not allow yourself to be bullied or belittled by those who would make you feel small.Know in your heart you are a Beautiful Being of Light andLet Your Light Shine.Blessings and Love & A Big Supportive Hug!KerriTo see more of Elaine's beautiful angels please go HERE