connecting to all that is

The Journey of the Run

I realized today that I must be a runner. I have come and gone with running over the years..stopped and started here and there. But at this point in my life, I cannot imagine my life without it. It is so much a part of IS me.In the past I usually ran with a go go faster...I even trained to run a marathon. I would end up pushing myself often to the point of injury..which would then result in my not being able to run at all (which was the very thing that I loved to do).  It was completely ludicrous. Fast forward many years and add to that a lot of growing up,learning and healing. Today my relationship with running is one of  freedom, transformation, balance, meditation, contemplation, journeying and bliss.As soon as my breath enters a rhythm, my feet begin to pound out the perfect heartbeat of the earth. I fall into a trance, deeper into this music and find myself travelling, journeying, through time and space as I run. I go to the past, present, future. I become unlimited. I travel to alternate worlds, different dimensions, alternate realities. I download information from these places and receive insights. I become one with everything. Problems are solved, illnesses are healed, creativity is boundless. What is unfortunate about this is when the run completes itself and I come back into my body I am left with impressions of where I went and what I saw and experienced and yet the information is not complete. It is as though it is so large that once I compress myself back into my body (this tiny container) there is not room for the expanse of what  was experienced. Words fail to describe it. I thought of digitally recording my adventures as I run, but they happen so fast,I could not speak fast enough. And I think it would alter the rhythm and the organic nature of the run.And words really do fall short to describe it all. Perhaps I will have to get my paints out of the cupboard and dust them off and record the experience with colour and texture...Until we all have a device to record thoughts, sensations etc. directly from the brain, I struggle to fully convey the experience.But maybe I am not supposed to.At any rate, is it any wonder I love my time to run?..It is a magical journey into elsewhere and never fails to fill me up with joy and wonder.The body becomes merely the vehicle to help me get off the ground. So in a way I am flying. It is a beautiful experience...and I am grateful for my body to enable me to have it.