Well it's past the New Year and I am still working on a newsletter. It's getting a bit late to talk about the new year now isn't it? It has sort of come and gone. I took an extended vacation and one of my resolutions for this year was to better juggle all of my commitments. My work, my family, etc. And I love it all, so it makes it harder to juggle when you love everything you are doing. Looks like the newsletter has fallen into the delayed pile along with the Christmas cards that did not make it out this year.(don't worry, the newsletter is coming, it's just taking longer to create it than I thought) If anyone learns to stop time-call me-I'm interested. : )I like to spend the time leading up to a New Year and just after to take some time for self reflection, soul searching, a 'check in' with myself, with spirit and with everything. I contemplate. Not so much to make 'resolutions', but I more or less to make observations about the past year. I then I leave everything behind I no longer need, and take the wisdom of things I learned from the past year to help me make enlightened goals and choices about the coming year.
During this reflection time, one of the things I realized I was learning in 2012 was that I am just one person. I ended up getting sick a couple of times. This is rare for me to have my body just refuse to come along for the ride. It rebelled and I had to take time off to get back into balance. This was a direct result from doing too much and not getting enough down time. So this year I decided would be about balance for me, and completion.Completion?Completion of a dream 5 years in the making. The renovation of the centre to create more space for classes. It will be a positive thing for everyone, and I'm so so incredibly excited(I'm jumping up and down on the inside-can you see it?!) and cannot wait and am more than a little impatient. It has been a vision in my mind for years now, but it's still not physically here. Sometimes things we are trying to create take time. It is not on Our time but on Divine time that they are made manifest. I remind students and clients of this 'divine timing' often so it was funny that I found myself needing to take my own advice.The mind is powerful and this time of year everyone-or almost everyone is thinking about their brand new year. It is a fresh start for many, but much more than that because so many of us are reflecting on this and putting our energy on this, it actually creates a frequency out there in the world that supports change. This is the best time to make a change, switch up a habit, let something/someone go because it is 'energetically' supported.Keep in mind that when you do let something go, you create a vacuum that needs to be filled and it can be filled unconsciously or consciously. I am always a fan of taking part in choosing my reality rather than taking whatever is thrown my way. In order to do that you need to have something to take the place of the old thing you are letting go of. You need to CREATE. Whether that creation is a dream, goals, or an image you have in your mind that represents your ideal future, it does not matter. The important thing is to take a few moments to do it.The universe is a vast soup of potential that wants to give us what we need but cannot do that is we are not being clear. Creating helps you get clear, even if you have no idea what you want. The very act of starting the process, helps things to come into alignment.Below are some tips to help you Create. Feel free to use them as a starting point to inspire you on dreaming up a beautiful future for yourself in 2013. And Think Big! Because after all, we survived the end of the Mayan calendar (and the 'end of the world'), what can't we do?If you need help honing your focus on CREATING, we have an upcoming Practical Intuition event later this month to help you do just that. The group energy of Excitement for the New Fabulous Year will help propel you forward if you are having difficulty getting there on your own. More details are HERE