As I was running today I was contemplating how easily nature changes. It grows when it needs to grow, it sustains when it needs to sustain, it changes when it needs to change, and when it is complete it dies to make way for the new. It does not fight any of these stages, it simply accepts and allows and just 'is'. I try to do that in my own life. Of course I need to take action too, but I try and live in the 'flow' as much as possible. I have been noticing lately that some of us have been having difficulty staying in the 'flow' for sustained periods of time. Especially my 'healer', and 'sensitive' and ' intuitive' friends- we have been really feeling the earth changes, some in a small way and some in a very large way.So now as we head further into this year of big change, and growth, and exciting evolution, (the year many of us have been waiting for) as the earth continues to shift in frequency, we must continue to learn to shift also. We must learn to be like nature, to be more fluid. To accept change gracefully, to welcome it. To go into change with 'ease'. This 'shift' is a wonderful positive change for the earth and humanity, however the energy fluctuations many of us have been feeling I believe will continue in terms of frequency and in strength.For 'sensitive' types, some may feel like they are being tossed about in a quantum ocean without a boat. A daily practice of meditation or yoga is very helpful for staying balanced and well during this time. Anything that connects or links you to the earth will help. Gardening is a perfect solution! Need a patch of soil to play in? I have a huge patch...and I will share. ; )(Don't get me started on that....but I will gratefully accept garden volunteers...and am willing to trade weeding & beautifying the wild backyard for reiki etc.)This is also why I have been getting the intuitive message (which feel more like a kick in the backside) to start teaching Tibetan Yoga again. It helps me stay centered and grounded and balanced, so I am hoping it helps others too.If you are feeling the joy and huge wonderful energy from these shifts, that is great! Keep surfing that wave! If you get caught in the undertow, or ever feel off balance, or unwell, or overwhelmed, some things that can help are:*Connect to the Earth-spend as much time outdoors as possible*Be in the Frequency of Joy as much as possible-it is ok for you to be happy and doing things for yourself that make you happy. Find your joy. If you don't know what makes you happy, start trying new things to help you find it.*Set up a Support Network for when you need help*Do the Work to let go of things that no longer serve you(physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually)-whether it is an unhealthy choices, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy habits, unhealthy mental state or outlook. You cannot afford to avoid or delay this process anymore. You must Clear Your Clutter!*Honour Your Body Endeavour to make choices to sustain and nurture it *Drink lots of Water Always. And for those looking to develop intuitively drink twice as much. Water conducts energy.*Make Healthier Food Choices This is so much easier this time of year when the fresh things are in season locallyAnd Most Importantly...*Be Kind and Gentle with Yourself and with Others-Everyone is going through these changes in their own way and it is so important to cultivate patience, understanding, and compassion.Big Hugs!Love,Kerri & All of Us At Circle of LightRead the rest of the newsletter HERE
A Season of Love
There are many things to love in this world. This season of love that is upon us reminds us to celebrate romantic love...which is a wonderful thing...but it is also a time to celebrate all that you love, not just a single relationship.I am lucky to love where I work, and the people I work with. I am blessed with a wonderful family, and kind and caring friends. I did not always feel this way. Like everyone else, I have been on a journey this lifetime. A journey alongside others, while at the same time changing and growing myself.One of the things I have learned over the years in my capacity as a healer, is that the greatest joy and the greatest challenge for most people is to learn how to love themselves. Truly. Not superficially. To love themselves deep down to the core of their being.People who truly love themselves are not fearful, they do not need to control things, they do not have an agenda, they do not require your attention, they do not waste time in competition, or with petty things, they do not need to convince you of anything, they just allow. They are calm and peaceful and content. They are not searching. They are Glowing.Children are naturally this way, and on some level I think we all know this, and subconsciously desire to return to our innocent loving childlike state in that regard. That innocence and wonder, that eternal trust, and open heart. Who doesn't want that? Because let's face it, having a broken heart hurts. We learn as we go through life that our heart can be fragile, we become hurt, and we begin to close ourselves off to others, become guarded, defensive, we learn to let less and less love in.Until you learn to love yourself you cannot truly love another. Not really. Your love will always have conditions. It will look like this: I will love you if you do 'this and 'this' and 'this' for me. Your failure to do 'this' means I will withhold my love. This is not love. That is control.Real love is not self serving, it is selfless. Watch little children, how they love, how they play. They live Hearts Wide Open. Honest, Trusting and Loving. I believe we can learn so much from them.I endeavour to be more like a child and Live every day with my Heart Wide Open. To be honest, I am not there yet. Like many of you I sometimes struggle with releasing past hurts, hurt feelings, betrayal of trust, the awful feeling that comes with being misjudged by another.But we cannot give up, we need to keep trying to open our hearts up, more and more, to forgive past hurts and to allow Love to Heal.It Can Truly Heal All Things! I KNOW this to be true above all else. LOVE DOES HEAL ALL. I have experienced this miracle over and over again in my own life. It is remarkable.I also know this. If we really want this world to change for the better, we need to start by healing our Own Hearts.Love one another this Valentines Day. Be grateful and thankful for the ones you love in your life who love you, and please take some time to Love Yourself deeper.Find the courage to look deep inside yourself and find a hidden hurt that you need to forgive(we all have something) and let go of it. If it seems too big, allow yourself to begin to heal it little by little.You will feel lighter. You will begin to smile more. But more importantly your ability to truly love others will expand. If we all do this together just imagine the change we can create!Much Love,KerriP.S. I have to say that I had not intention of writing in such a 'serious' tone, and I hope it did not come across as a 'lecture', but it is what I felt was important to express and share at the time. I feel like it is crunch time in our evolution as a species and we need to begin to take responsibility for how we treat one another and ourselves. With Respect and With Love.P.P.S. Two of My All-time Favourite books about LOVE are: 'Love Without Conditions' by Paul Ferinni and 'Mastery of Love' by Don Miguel Ruiz. I highly recommend them both for anyone wanting to deepen their capacity to Love.
Create Yourself A Beautiful New Year
Wishing everyone a Happy Bright Blessed Beginning to the New Year that we are heading into.As the saying goes, 'With every ending comes a New Beginning.'During this time of year many people choose take stock of the last year, evaluate it in a way. This is a normal 'New Year' thing to do. Many of us do this,and if this is our yearly routine we may find it helpful.This New Year, I encourage you to join me in doing something different. If you feel the need to re-evaluate your past year, do it quickly. Do not to spend too much time there. If your past year has been challenging, while viewing your past, try to do it from a detached observer perspective without going too much emotionally into the old.Instead choose to bring the wisdom forward with the understanding you gleaned from your past experiences, as this is very important.As the energies and frequency of the planet and all of life, continues to increase, our thoughts are becoming reality faster and faster.I encourage you to Enter This New Year Consciously. Let the past go, without judgement. Bless yourself that you are here to witness the turning of the year and to Celebrate all of the Wonderful Opportunities that are Coming Your Way!It is far better to go into the New Year fresh rather than dragging the old into it with you. Spending too much time evaluating what worked well and what did not in the year just past makes it too easy for the human mind to focus on any loss and pain that may have been experienced.If you have had a difficult year, do allow yourself acknowledge any feelings of loss, grief, struggle, anger, or any negative experiences or feelings you may have experienced and Then Re-Work how you think and feel about them.Write down positive statements for yourself about what you *DO* want starting NOW! And shift your focus from the past to Your Future! The one YOU are Creating!Please remember that What you Continue to Focus Upon, you will Absolutely and Continually Manifest in Your Life.Focus on starting your new year with Optimism and with Clear intentions in your Mind and in your Heart for what will make you Happy and Joyful in your life.The past is complete. There is no need to live there in your mind. Instead you are being asked to Create Your Future!We will be having an event at Practical Intuition later this month to help you do just that. The group energy of Excitement for the New Fabulous Year will help propel you forward if you are having difficulty getting there on your own.More details are HEREIf you had positive experiences this past year, be Happy about them, be Thankful and Grateful. Make the most of this Beautiful, forward moving, New Year Energy to focus on what New & Wonderful experiences you want to have in the coming year starting NOW!I wish For You A Joyous, Fulfulling, New Year with Wonderful Experiences just waiting to Manifest for you in this Year to Come!Let's Rock It Out In 2012!!!Much Love and Bright Blessings To You All!
Fast Forward!
Has anyone else been feeling this surge forward? I have been in a huge creative movement for the last two weeks. All of my half started projects, ideas that were brainstormed and never quite acted upon, are all coming to fruition. It is as though Spirit has decreed 'these things will be made manifest Now!' and by Now I mean Now.
I'm o.k. with this. In fact I embrace and love this wave I'm surfing, but I have to tell you it does not leave much time for sleeping. Especially with this being my busiest time of year. But I'm rolling with it. I'm riding that wave and trusting and allowing and trusting and allowing.I am grateful. And very grateful to have a creative mind. Even if that sometimes means it is bursting with too many ideas!When I connect to my guides I receive the message that this speeding forward is going to continue for a while and although it is a positive thing, we are all going to be feeling it in our own way.For some it will be easy and joyful, while others may experience anger or frustration or anxiety or stress. It is very important to stay grounded, centred and balanced at this time. Make healthy food choices, stay hydrated, exercise or spend some time outside every day. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Allow your emotions to come to the surface to clear. Don't judge them. Allow your creativity to burst forth. Be in joy as much as possible. And if you are struggling remember to ask for help. From Spirit and from friends and loved ones. Remember to breathe and allow the changes to occur. Things are changing for the better. Reach out for help if you need to. Have compassion for those who may not be experiencing this change with grace or ease. Remember, we are all in this together.Big Blessings,Kerri
The 11/11/11 Healing Experience
11/11/11 Healing sessionWow. I have to begin by saying I was feeling the 11/11/11 love far before the actual day and time, but as my guides always remind me: time and space are human constructs, time does not really exist, it is possible to move forwards and backwards in time. And Friday night was no exception. I felt we all gained the wisdom of hundreds of years in the blink of an eye! I absolutely loved the energy of Thursday's full moon. I know some of you had trouble that day, but please know you were clearing to prepare space to receive. Its all good. What a beautiful gift that was! The moon had a domestic effect on me. I found myself cooking an elaborate dinner for my family that took hours to prepare and make and then a special breakfast on the Friday. I love my family, but jokingly warned them not to get used to it and that this was likely the effect of the full moon. My kids were happy and excited on the 11th. They were feeling the energies too.The preparation leading up to this event was very specific. I was guided to spend as much of the week as possible in meditative silence. It was also strongly suggested for me to remove all caffeine from my diet and excessive sugar. So while not with clients I spent my time at home doing just that. I did not feel I could even listen to the radio-it felt intrusive. I laid low. I did not venture out much to the 'marketplace'. I had to get groceries to prepare for class but other than that I tried to spend as much time as possible alone in nature.On the morning of the 11th I woke up at 5am. I had readings set up with clients in late morning. I planned to go home directly after but then had the surprise invitation to a lunch with a group of talented healers and all round beautiful ladies. It was really nice. I then went home and spent time with my boys and then went into my healing room and stayed there the rest of the evening in quiet meditation, preparing and communing with spirit.I have to mention the snow. My guide told me 2 weeks previous to look for snow on the day of the 11th as a sign we are all manifesting. Snow to me has special looks to me like the upper levels of the quantum field. So I was thrilled with it, though I recognize some people were not enjoying snow before December. I hope this helps you have a new perspective on the snow.I have worked with spirit for many years and my guides are not bossy, they gently guide, however for this event there was a specific protocol they wanted me to follow.First off I have to say this healing session was remarkably different than the last one I did. I had no idea what to expect and it was incredible.I started by opening sacred space and my mesa and calling in the 4 directions, the animals angels and spirts associated with each. I blended the North American shamanic way I learned years ago with the Peruvian shamanic way I learnt this past year. My guides were very specific in the preparation of the space before I could even begin. It was about an hour of set up to prepare the space.I got the message that before I could even begin I had to link everyone really well to the earth mother. This is so important. If we are not connected well to the earth we cannot transit with ease. As her vibratory frequency quickens, ours does also. When we are in resonance with the earth, we can follow her lead and shift gently. A good analogy is this. Imagine you are on a large ball. You are either attached to the ball or loose. If you are loose as the ball vibrates faster and faster you may feel Like you are popping around like popcorn. There may be chaos and imbalance in your life. If you are attached you may not feel a thing, and shift frequencies with ease. It is supposed to be easy for us to change and grow, hence the need to connect you all to the earth first.I was guided to play a cd of healing songs from Peru. For me personally these icaros connect me to the heart of the great earth mother, and so that is how we began. Linking deeply with the earth. Being very protected and supported and then able to let go and the clearing began.I felt as though many of you have been clearing already. The energy felt less dense than last time and cleared much faster. There was less fear. There were a few of you with cancers (now don't freak out-the people I'm speaking of know about it already) and I felt that the icaros and the earth energy was really targeting these big illnesses. Also MS and diabetes. So of you fall into that group do not be alarmed if you were incredibly fatigued afterwards. Also you may feel worse for a day or two before you feel better(part of the clearing) as for the rest of you, you let things go much more easily than last time.The healing portion was so beautiful and joyous I could have stayed there all night with all of you.I could feel the other healers sending too. Thank you!!! To me everyone appeared as a different animal(the people sending the healing)I felt like I became the music and the sound and found myself joining the maestro singing along to the cd(in spanish). That may not seem like a strange thing but since it was my first time listening to this CD, it was. I just got it last week. And I'm learning spanish but am not that fluent. So that was really interesting. When I say sing along I mean I knew the words before he said them. We sang together at the same time. I was in a deep trance. I felt as though i was in ceremony with all of you in the Peruvian amazon.The clearing was fantastic. Things went easy. The cancers took some more work but I feel that great progress was made there. I could see illnesses shatter and fall off the body. Then light was even into the spaces left by the illness or imbalance.After the grounding and clearing and healing session where we connected deeply to the heart of the earth mother, we then went very high connecting to source energy and the angelic realm. Here you were all filled with beautiful light. Your energy field was repaired, cleared balanced and you were permanently anchored to these beautiful healing lightarian rays. So as not to overwhelm, my guides told me that any extra energies that you could not process that night would remain in your energy field for you to access at your own pace over the next few days, weeks, months. The Lightarian felt like a high frequency buzzing and a lot of swirling energy. Some of you may have felt a bit lightheaded or dizzy. You were all brought to a very high frequency for that. I understood why the first part of the healing, the grounding and connecting to the earth had to happen. If you are not grounded or connected to the earth properly then you cannot hold and process the higher frequencies as well.I am hoping that by today you all feel healthy lighter and more balanced in your lives. Also when you are connected to the earth you will have more energy.The whole process was just over 3 hours long and finished around 2:30am.I know many of you will be feeling the effects for quite some time. Be happy with yourself and gentle with yourself. It takes great courage to heal. For some of you this was your first time e experiencing something like this. Be proud of yourself.I wanted to post this sooner but taught the Reiki Master class all weekend. It was amazing. So this is the first chance I have had to post.I would love and welcome your comments and to hear about your experiences. Well over 460 people participated so although I would love to be able to reply to everyone's emails I simply won't be able to. I encourage you to post your experiences in the comment section here to share with everyone so that we can all benefit from them.Thank you so much for participating. I feel deeply honored and blessed to have been part of such a joyous and transformational event.Much Love to you all,Kerri
To prepare for 11/11/11 Healing
Greetings everyone,I wanted to post this for the 11/11/11 healing that some of you are taking part in, to give you an idea of what to expect and how to prepare.For those of you who who are just hearing about this now and would like to RSVP to take part you can do that HEREI will be sending the healing session and attunements at 11:11:11pm. I will be sending it while most of you sleep. I find that while sleeping we are sometimes more open to receive so this seemed like the best time to send the healing, rather than at 11:11:11am when most of you would be out and about in your day. Some people are sensitive to distance healing and feel it so I wanted to make sure no one would be driving at this time.It would be a wonderful idea for you to sit in quiet meditation and connect with global energies of love at other times throughout this day including 11:11:11am. I encourage you to do so.There are many views on 11/11/11 and what it means. My understanding is this coming 11/11/11 is a porthole, or a gateway to a new frequency. You could even think of it as a door to a new time and space, to an alternate reality that exists along side this one but is in a higher frequency.In truth we exist in multiple different timelines simultaneously. Our current reality is a result of our current focus, of our mind and heart and intention.11/11/11 is a time(and there are many-this is just one) where you can consciously jump timelines into one that is of a higher frequency or vibration. This process is often referred to as 'ascension'. Please know that this 'ascension' process does not mean you will disappear or be beamed up on a spaceship and leave behind your loved ones. But rather we all shift up together, like a beautiful ocean wave.It does mean that the day after 11/11/11, you will still be you and they will still be themselves but you will be different versions of yourselves existing in a much improved timeline. You may find relationships may change for the better, things may get easier and you may feel more lighthearted and joyful. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? It is.
Remember we are collectively moving out of the frequency of FEAR into the frequency of LOVE.To help facilitate this timeline jump it helps if you are clear on how you would like your new life to be. I invite you to create a personal vision for your own life and also collective universal vision of how you would like the world to be.*I asked everyone participating in Friday nights healing session to take some time beforehand and make a list of things you want to let go of. This may consist of habits that no longer serve you, or ways of being or illness or emotions that you are ready to let go of.*For the first part of the healing session I will be focusing on helping you clear these things out. When you make space, by letting go of what you no longer need then you have more room to receive the LOVE.*I have also asked everyone to make a list of all the things they would like to see enter their life, where you would like to see yourself, how are you feeling, what are you doing? Really try to see yourself clearly and write your goals and dreams down. Also write goals and dreams down for the world, for our future, for humanity.Do you have to?No. But it will help the energy align to help you the most.It's kind of like this.... Would you go into a restaurant and let a stranger order your meal?No? They may order you a wonderful meal...but it could also end up being the opposite of what you would like. The energy of the universe is highly supporting you at this time. To better enable this to occur, it helps if you are clear in what you would like, or at least have an idea. This will ensure that you are ordering off the menu for your own life...not living by default on another's choices.My advice is to write this down. One list for the things you wish to let go of, and another list representing the vision of your new life. Also take some time to create your vision for all of humanity.
Before going to bed the evening of 11/11/11, first connect to the loving energies of spirit through prayer, or you may wish to connect with a specific being or angel you resonate with. Ask to be open to receive the high frequency healing energies for your greatest and highest good.You may wish to connect with others globally, as there will be many sending love out into the world on this day. Then when you feel ready, read your list out loud or silently to yourself. Ten go to bed and have sweet dreams. For those of you who are also sending healing energies, I will see you there!By taking to time to set your intention before the 11/11/11 Healing session, you will get the most out of it.When you wake up the next day remember to be gentle with yourself and drink lots of water. Make healthy food choices wherever possible. Treat your body with love and respect. It will be changing as a result of the new energies. You may feel so much love and joy. You may be tired. Some of you may have a bit of a headache. Water water water if that is the case. It will pass. Keep your lists. You can discard or remove the part of the things you let go of, those are gone now, but keep the pages with your life vision and reread them or modify them as you see fit in the next few days, weeks, months.Most of all Thank You for sharing this beautiful time and these beautiful energies with me. I look forward to joining you all on this shift into LOVE.Big Blessings,Kerri

These five Rays focus on the essential phases of spiritual processing...Empowerment, Clearing, Healing, Activation and Manifestation These five Lightarian Rays are a series of attunements...each creating a powerful and permanent connection for you with one of the Masters. Each Ray is an "attunement event" that launches extraordinary "energetic processing" within your chakras, subtle bodies and physical body...creating spiritual, mental, emotional and physical transformation in your life. Once this connection is made, the particular Master works with you energetically "in your etheric background" to support an essential aspect of your spiritual self-development. After receiving the Ray attunements, you will accelerate along your spiritual path perhaps more quickly and effectively...and with more grace and joy... than you would naturally be experiencing!The Lightarian Empowerment Ray™*Provides you with a "spiritual wake-up call" of the highest order...triggering waves of energetic acceleration and vibrational change.*Supports you in getting clearer about "who you are" and "why you are here" during these exciting times of global-human transformation. *Stimulates your overall sense of personal power and serves as the prerequisite and energetic foundation for the follow-on Rays...which focus on clearing, healing, activation and manifestation. The Lightarian Clearing Ray™ * Launches an extraordinary, thorough etheric clearing of all adverse energy patterns in your auric field* Releases adverse soul programming, undesired belief structures and your most challenging mental, emotional and physical patterns* Allows more of your Higher Self energies to integrate into your lower energy fields and physical bodyThe Lightarian Activation Ray™* Launches ongoing energetic activations within your chakras and subtle bodies.* Stimulates new spiritual initiations...opening you to powerful structural shifts within your etheric fields.* Prepares you to integrate higher aspects of your divine potential into your day-to-day life.The Lightarian Healing Ray™* Supports the dissolving and transmuting of stress, discomfort, debilitationand dis-ease from your chakras, subtle bodies and ultimately, your physical body. * Launches a complete wholistic healing process for you.* Attunes you to the energies of Ascended Master Buddha for self-compassion and balance, as well as healing support.The Lightarian Manifestation Ray™* Connects you with Ascended Master St. Germain as your "Spiritual Coach and Counselor."* Supports you in manifesting courageous, authentic action...leading to the creation of abundance in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical ways in your life!* Stimulates you to step forward into higher levels of spiritual service in the Light.
Fall 2011 Circle of Light Newsletter
Hot off the press!!!Fall 2011 Newsletter
Feeling Stuck? The 'Dead Zone' And How To Get Out Of It
Early this morning on my way to bootcamp I passed through an area I call 'the dead zone'. I call it that because not only does it feel empty and vacant, it is also where all signals fail, all communication gets lost. The radio acts funny, the cell phone dies. It's only a couple of kilometers but it's funny... I notice it every time. I always wonder what it is like for people living in 'the dead zone.'Today it made me think of life. How sometimes there are periods of inactivity. Where everything stops moving. It made me think of clients who get 'stuck' and even sometimes refuse to move.For some this lack of activity or movement or nothing happening could be a few moments days weeks or even years.A dry spell of sorts. Whether in your personal life and relationships, or your career, spirituality, etc.Things just stop. You feel stuck. And it can be difficult to get out. It is similar to a car stuck in mud or snow....wheels spinning.... Going no where.Whenever I hit a 'dead zone' in my life, I do welcome that time to stop and reassess. I truly believe when we are in alignment and balanced and healthy we are in sync with the universe and there is a beautiful flow that occurs. When this flow ceases and I find myself in 'the dead zone' sometimes it is because I need a well deserved break, but more often than not spirit wants me to stop and contemplate something...I may be on the 'wrong' track and so I'm stopped. So I do. I stop. I contemplate. I meditate. I spend a lot of time in nature. Nature is always changing and growing and evolving even when it seems still. Being in nature reminds me to do the same... Gracefully... And gently.But not forever. You see as much as a 'dead zone' can be a good thing, you do not want to get stuck in one. The key to get out if you find yourself stuck (and believe me you will know when you are stuck)is to just move. In Any direction. Even backwards is sometimes necessary to get the movement and momentum going again. (think of the car stuck in mud or snow- you use whatever works) So whether you move forward, backwards or sideways.. Just get moving. And breathe. Thank the dead zone for the learning and wisdom it gave to you and then get moving again and find your flow.If you are really stuck and can't get out then you may need a helping hand (or a spiritual tow truck). Find a friend you love and trust and ask for help. Or go for an energy work session, go for a walk in nature, do something Fun! Something that excites you and before you know it you will be flowing with the perfect balance and movement of the universe once again.