Create Your Year!!


It's that time of year again. Resolution time. I have never been a fan of the word resolution. Maybe because it can have negative connontations if the resolution is broken. I do appreciate how resolute means firm and unwavering, thereby the act of making a resolution is that you are indeed making a firm choice and standing by it. But on the flip side, resolutions seem firm and unyielding and leave little room for tweaking or evolution.They are promises you are making to yourself and who wants to break a promise? No one. That does not feel good at all when the resolution simply becomes a reminder of failure and a source of guilt.  So why do it at all?During this time of year so many people are focussing on starting something new. This makes for a very powerful group consciousness energy. It is the perfect time to make change and resolutions because you have a better chance of keeping them. So rather than fight this positive wave of change, try riding it, but with a twist. Instead of being Resolute this New Year, Try Creating. The energy behind creating is much more fun, forgiving, and fluid, and yet it is every bit as powerful as Resolution making.It's Time To Create Your Year!Decide How it will be and Make it So!Declare it!Keep is Short and Simple andTake Action to Make it Happen.C-R-E-A-T-EI've broken it down into 6 easy steps that you can remember as they spell the word that is the most important part-Create!C-Get ClearUnless you have a clear vision or clear goals you will only create chaos and confusion for yourselfR-Keep it RealStart with realistic goals. I am all for setting your sights high, but do not set yourself up to fail. Take baby steps until you feel momentum beginning, then ramp it up.E-Enthusiasm is a MustIf you are not excited about your life and dreams and goals no one else is going to be either. If you are not excited, then you are not in alignment with your soul and hearts desire and it's time to rethink your goalsA-ActionMany people get stuck here. Yes you need a plan. But you are also required to get up and put it into action. No one is going to serve you life on a platter. Go out and get it!T-TimingTiming is everything. If the timing is off, well the whole thing can unravel. But if you are going to let that stop you then you did not really want it in the first place. Persistance pays off. Always.E-Enjoy The ProcessHave FUN! If you are not having fun, something is missing and you need to go back to the drawing board.If you need help honing your focus, we have an upcoming Vision Board Workshop that will get your creativity flowing while at the same time help you bring dreams into reality and thoughts into action. It is going to be a Beautiful Year! I am very excited about 2011 and I hope you are too! It Is Your Year to Shine!The rest of our 2011 Newsletter is HERE